Monday, April 25, 2011

MSOP Transforming Lives Through International Exchange


Happy Easter! May the joy of the Risen Lord be with you and your families!

The inspiration for today's message comes from Dr. P.J. Hughes who is an assistant professor in the Samford University Global Drug Information Center (DIC). At the Asian Conference on Clinical Pharmacy over the past several years, as an effort to continue to live and breathe the mission and vision of MSOP, we have had several productive conversations with leaders from the National University of Singapore School of Pharmacy (NUS) who were seeking US placement for their PharmD students. This year NUS will graduate its first class of non-traditional PharmD students and in March of this year two of these five graduating PharmD candidtates (Jonathan Seah and Melissa Ngai) spent the month of March with Dr. Hughes in the Samford DIC to complete their drug information advanced pharmacy practice experience.

Recently, Dr. Hughes queried both students to offer any feedback (both positive and negative) regarding their experience at MSOP. Below is an excerpt from what one student had to say in his reflection of the month spent with Dr. Hughes.

In a message dated April 17, 2011 Jonathan Seah wrote:

"Hi Dr. Hughes,

I would like to express my thanks for your guidance and hospitality during my month in Birmingham. I have definitely had a positive experience and have given this feedback to (NUS administration).

For the rotation, there was a definite structure from introduction, to assignments and evaluation that I could use as a basis for sharing my experience and training future pharmacists in Singapore. Everyone we met had been hospitable and forthcoming with their help.

I think besides the knowledge and skills learnt, we also learnt more about providing more responsibilities and encouragement to our colleagues and juniors. This is something that is not always practised back in Singapore, and which should be improved on. Furthermore, being in Asia, we will also need to better relationships with our counterpart in the neighbouring countries to improve pharmacy practice.

In a couple of weeks, I'll be heading back to work and I hope my experience in the Pharm.D. course and in Birmingham would put me in better stead to have a positive impact on my patients' care. I also hope to inspire my colleagues to consider having these experiences that can transform their lives and likely their patients in the future.


If you wish to read more about Jonathan and Melissa's experience at Samford you can follow the link below.

As always, please share your transformative stories from the world of pharmacy practice with us!

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